Listen to 10 seconds of crow calls
Read about how to
make turkeys gobble
The Turkey Pro
Sez: "Every
turkey hunter needs a good crow call in his bag of tricks. This New, Power Crow Call by Primos Hunting Calls produces loud, raucous crow calls which are one of the bread-and-butter
sounds hunters use to locate gobblers at any time of the day. The SECRET of this call is the extra-high
decibels it produces which stimulates gobbling. The hunter can control
volume, pitch and raspiness with the unique "trough design" mouth piece of the
call. Economically priced, this call has a place in every hunter's
vest. Also, use a Power Crow Call to thin out the crow population--they love to eat turkey eggs!"
Power Crow Call
by Primos Hunting Calls
Loud, Reed-Type Call
Loud, Reed-Type Crow
Call which tortures toms into gobbling in response so you
know where they are
Excellent gobbler locator
call for anytime of the day
Easy to use and perfect for anyone-- produces all calls of a crow in loud or soft volume
Produces feeding , come
here, sentry, come back, and fighting calls of crows
Easily adjustable
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Crow Calls