Face & Hands Concealment
Copyright © 1998 - 2021 Roger
W. Raisch * Nadine Adele, all rights reserved
A bare face or hand
stands out like a beacon in dim early morning light and is an immediate tip-off to a
sharp-eyed turkey. Wear camouflage or dark-colored gloves. Concealment of your face is accomplished in one of two ways. Face
paints or a Headnet.
Face paints are effective, but they require cleanup and perspiration or rain may cause
them to smear or run off. Headnets, on the other hand, are easy to use, very
effective and require no cleanup. I exclusively use a head net for turkey hunting.
There are different
styles of headnets. Those that completely enclose the
hunter's head, without eyeholes, are difficult to use. They
are great for keeping insects away, but make vision difficult and are nearly impossible to
see through with the sun shining in your face. Others completely cover your head and
have eyeholes. I don't like that style because there is too much material to deal
with and I always like to wear a cap to keep the sun from shining in my eyes. My
favorite Headnet
incorporates an oval-shaped flexible wire and covers 3/4 of the bottom portion of your
head and neck, from just above your eyebrows to the bottom of your neck. The oval
wire can be fitted comfortably to the shape of your nose and eyes, giving you total
frontal and peripheral vision.
Persons who wear
glasses often have difficulty finding a suitable remedy to the light reflection from their
glasses that can give their position away on a sunny day. If you can't wear
contacts, the Headnet
described above will work fine to conceal your glasses, leaving a narrow portion of the
glasses you need to see, through exposed to sunlight. Wear
the Headnet over
the top of your glasses.
Keep your hands and face
concealed if you want to be Consistently Successful. |
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